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Visit Serbia




Working Hours
Monday - Friday: 9:00 - 17:00 hours
The Consular Section is open to public: 10:00 - 13:00 hours


Str.Remus No 4
300194 Timisoara, O.P.5
Phone:   + 40256 / 490-268, 490-334 Directions/Map                        
             + 40256 / 493-467 Jurisdiction
Fax:      + 40256 / 490-425 Honorary Consulates

Е-mail: srb.cons.timisoara@mfa.rs


web: http://www.timisoara.mfa.gov.rs

Twitter: @SRBinTimisoara

telephone number for emergency calls

+40256 / 493 - 467


Book of condolence

Following the tragic loss of lives at the “Vladislav Ribnikar” Elementary School shooting in Belgrade on 3 May 2023, the Government of Serbia has declared three days of national mourning, from 5 May to 7 May 2023.

The Consulate General of the Republic of Serbia is grateful for all the messages of support we have received.

A book of condolence will open at the Consulate, Remus 4 as, follows Members of the public who wish to leave written tributes can do so during the following opening hours:

5 May 2023 10:00 – 12:00 and 14:00 – 16:00

6 May 2023 12:00 – 16:00

7 May 2023 12:00 – 16:00

For those unable to attend in person, an online book of condolence can be signed at:


02. Mar 2022 - Foreign Minister Selaković meeting with the Head of the EU Delegation and the Ambassadors of the EU Member States

The Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikola Selaković met today with the Head of the EU Delegation Emanuel Giofre and the Ambassadors of the EU Member States accredited to Serbia.

Minister Selaković informed the ambassadors present about the Conclusion of the National Security Council, which was adopted by the Government of Serbia on February 27 - regarding the situation in Ukraine.

Happy National Day, dear citizens of Serbia!

Video of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the occasion of the Statehood Day 2022

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Daily News 
Photo Gallery 

National Assembly

President of the Republic of Serbia

Serbian Government

Ministry of Foreign Affairs